Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Beautiful October

I had my own
underground renegade
the high tops of green Pitch Pine.

I couldn't tell which was exploding more;
the heavy, fat white flakes of snow
the three fingered points of needles
stretched out
as if they wanted
to accept the challenge
of supporting the weight
of an early fall

I had my own
underground renegade
as the storm within myself
began to churn
and pick up speed.

I can't tell
which is exploding more;
the worries of a sacred friend
my outstretched arms
ready to accept the challenge
of suporting
his dying weight.


1 comment:

  1. warm hugs to you and your outstretched arms and to your friend in need of many... let's do something soon. i saw the video i posted yesterday and thought of you and him...
